Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Image result for wit + delight

(click interiors ans decor located on the left side.)
Hello Everyone, 
Today i am going to be sharing with your a little bit about a blog I was looking through. Its written by Kate Arends who is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The main reason why i choose to read about her was not only because shes from Minnesota but because she writes about home decor. Her three most recent post where on the up coming Christmas season and how shes going to decorate. Shes going with a white and gold, earthy theme this year. She choose this theme because she loves the holidays but she felt that as she got older and she had more valuable pieces in her house it would be better to take it down a notch with the Christmas decor. She did mention that the excitement of the holidays brings out the 12 year old in her, but she just decided to get her team together to help her with a different approach at her holiday decorating. 

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