Thursday, January 24, 2019

Farewell Post!

Hey Guys, 
Today I'm going to be wrapping up my blog with a little farewell posts and come highlights. 

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1. What do you think were your top three posts? Where these the most interesting? The most fun? The most creative? The most well-written?

1. (top ten) 

2. (College dorm on a budget)
3. (how to decorate for Christmas)

These were my top three favorite post because I really enjoyed making all three. I got to search through pinterest and thats one of my favorite hobbies.Which made it more fun and easy for me to get through these ones. I took the most time on these also because they were fun.

2. Which three blogs from your classmates did you think was the most creative or fun to visit?
 My three favorite blogs to visit were Alisha, Makayla, and Cole. Because, they were so different and were things i enjoyed. Alisha's was about food which who does like? Malaya's is fun to read about because its lifestyle, and Cole's is about hunting and is fun to read.

3. We added memes, quotes, gifs, videas, avatars, and sidebar gadgets to our blogs. Which one did you like making most? Why? Describe and add an image to fit your choice?
The one I liked the best was the gifs, only because I love them in general. I use them all the time while texting, I feel like they add extra spice to the conversation where I can't, or describe my reaction without the person seeing my face! Also most are humorous which is just a good touch.
Image result for goods gifs

4. What is a post that we should have done but didn't?
A fun post would be to incorporate a vlog based on what your writing about, a chance to meet the writer and watch them do what there good at.

Favorite Christmas Treat How To

Hey Guys,
Today I'm going to be switching it up a little bit and telling you how to make my favorite Christmas treat. I'm not a huge sweet person, I would take a bag of chips over a cookie any day, with the exception of ice cream, no treat can beat that. But when the holidays come around and my family is so excited to make treats, these are the only ones I eat. I know Christmas is a ways away, but I'm craving this salty sweet mixture.

Chocolate M&M Hugs
*warning most pictures show them with the square pretzels, there better with the round*
Image result for ring pretzels    Image result for hersheys hugs Image result for m&ms
1. Go to your local grocery store and buy hugs, m&ms, and pretzel rings. Make sure there pretzel ring that makes them way better. 
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2. When you get home preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
Image result for hersheys hugs unwrapped
3. Start unwrapping the hugs.
Image result for hersheys hugs unwrapped
4. Place a hug in the pretzel, and set it the oven. Watch them, and take them out as soon as there melted.
Image result for putting m&ms on hug and pretzel combo
5. Immediately place the m&ms in the center in top of the hug and pop in the freezer to cool off.
Related image
6. Take out 5-15 minutes later or when you notice there harden and enjoy!!!

The Kitchen

Image result for remodeling a kitchen

Hey Guys,
Today I'm going to take a minute to talk about my house. My parents have been in it for 40+ years, and other than the necessary re painting they really haven't done anything major. But, after four kids and seven grandchildren the kitchen is really starting to show its ware. The flooring is the worst part, it has one hole in it that we try to cover with the kitchen table chair. So, considering my parents age they have been going back and forth wondering if it was really worth it at this point to fix it, or just wait until I'm out of the house to move. But, after the contemplating they realized that it would be worth it to fix the kitchen. So they drew up several sketches, but they are struggling to decide. But, when attempting to put my two cents in they really don't want to hear it. Which kills me, because the thought of remodeling gets me so excited. But well see as my dad starts to rip it up what I can try to convince them to do, I'm sure I'll be back on here to update all of you!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Quote of the Day

Hey Guys,
 Today I'm just popping on here and sharing an important quote that I think you need to take a minute and read. 
I feel like in today's society this is something that's so greatly lacking, were so quick to jump on the bandwagon. Social media plays a huge part in this problem, either someone stands out or everyone's doing the same thing. I chose to share this quote because I feel like its so true in my life. I like being different and not fitting in with every one, I recently lost a friend because she didn't appreciate that I wasn't just like her. It hurt and it was a hard pill to swallow, but it was so eye opening. She wasn't willing to except who I was and that I was different and that's ok. Remember to always be you!   

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Hey Guys, 
Today I'm going to be lightening the mood with some memes I put together! Enjoy! 


After finally figuring out how to get the memes generated on my blog it was easy. This is a super fun activity, especially for someone humorous. I definitely would recommend checking it out! It was challenging at some points to figure out how to relate it to my topic, and make it funny. But, I just though of some experiences I've had and went with it. Good luck meme making! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Something Different

Image result for softball quotes

Hey Guys, 
Today I'm going to be talking about something outside of the usual, softball. The season is quickly approaching and its making me feel so many different things. This will wrap up my last season of a high school sport ever, its so bittersweet. It can't come soon enough, yet at the same time I can wait. When softball gets here that means the end of the year and more importantly the end of senior year. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready to close this chapter and start a new one but softball and the team is one part of this chapter that I'm really going to miss. Softball has been my main sport for as long as I can remember, its a piece of me. It's refreshing to go to practice after a hard day of school or just when somethings bothering me. It's always been there, and the team bond that's created during the season is also a key part of it I become friends with so many amazing people in and outside our school. 

College Dorm on a Budget

 Hey Guys, 
Today I'm just going to be showing you some quick, and cheap ways to decorate your dorm. All decorations are under $10!
Image result for paint chip calendar

Calender's are always necessary but finding a cute one always seems to get spendy. You can find the materials at your local dollar store for this one! All you need is a frame and some dry erase markers. The paint samples are free at any paint store. 
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 This mason jar makeup brush holder can be used for many other things such as pencils, coloring utensils, ect. All it takes is an old mason jar and some spray paint of your choice to spruce it up! Add some ribbon or stickers as you desire. 

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Warm hair tools are always a hazard, and having long cords always seem to get in the way. These command stripes are a quick and easy fix to tangled cords!
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The "in thing" right now is a wood pallet to hang pictures, but if you go to your local craft store you'll find that there pretty spendy! This cute and simple one can be used for pictures or pieces of information you don't want to lose! Just grab some stain in the color you prefer, some twine, and a piece of wood to sand down.
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This is another classic storage tip but to add some creativity to make it not so boring add some scrap book paper to the sides and front of it. No only can you hide things, but you wont see the clutter. These are such an important piece of a dorm, you can store them in numerous places and hold just about everything. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Profile Post

Image result for coco chanel
Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel 

What are they famous for: She was a French fashion designer and business women. The founder and namesake of the Chanel brand.
Where were they born: She was born in Saumar, France.
Where did they live: She spent over 30 years of her life living in a hotel.
What is there family life: After her mothers death she was put in an orphanage where nuns raised her. They taught her how to sew.
Famous quote: Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
Did she win any awards?:  She won the Neiman Marcus Fashion Award.
Things she accomplished: She created the women's swimsuit, and introduced women to pants.
What kind of personality did she have? She was very bitter when it came to personality, and never missed an opportunity to criticize someone.
What was her favorite color to wear? Black it revealed a women's radiance and accentuated the essentials.
What was one of her greatest creations? One of her greatest creations was her perfume N. 5 Chanel that still sold in stores today.

Although Chanel does not directly relate to my topic I chose her because she's such an inspiration in the design and fashion world, after such a poor upbringing she still made it to be so successful.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Event Related

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Image result for parade of homes twin cities   
Image result for parade of homes twin cities  
(Some of the stunning houses found in Minnesota)

Parade of Homes: This event takes place in the Twin Cities and occurs two times during the year. In March and in September each for a six week period.  Members of the BATC- Housing First Minnesota (BATC-HF) open hundreds of models, spec and pre-sold homes for people to tour. 

The Parade of Homes is free to the public, with the exception of one to four homes that are selected as the Artisan Dream Homes these houses require a $5 entrance donation. They are picked by the BACT- Housing First Foundation, all the donation help the foundation build and remodel homes for areas and families in need. 

This event just requires the public like I mentioned, and it can be a useful source if your looking to get ideas on what to do in your own home or just to see some beautiful, and unique homes. 

I definitely recommend this, because it is free. Its a great way to find some inspiration for your house or helping someone out. Otherwise it's a good opportunity to see what style and decor is in. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

New Years Resolution

Brought to you by the worst New Years resolution follower alive, I have always struggled with following New Year's resolutions and honestly I hate them. I'm more of a person to follow my goals, so maybe putting this post out her will make me more accountable to follow them
1. Drink more water
Make sure I bring a water bottle with me where ever I go.
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2. Go to bed earlier
I'm terrible at scrolling through pinterest and online shopping at night when I can barley keep my eyes open. So, I could start by changing my nightly routine and setting my phone aside earlier and winding down a different way.
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3. Save money
I use to be the best money saver, until I got a job at Scheels and it all went down hill from there. I love shoes, and on slow night I cant help but shop with your eyes when your standing there. Plus with a discount its hard to pass.
Image result for save money
4. Read a few books
This is always a good habit to have, and when I find something that really catches my attention I love reading. So, I should just take some time to find something I like and read when I'm free.
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5. Live in the moment more
I'm a pro at wishing my life away, so I need to start taking a step back and soaking up the moment.
Image result for sunset in minnesota

Friday, January 4, 2019

Hometown Post

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This beautiful granite house is located right on the edge of Rockville, and I have the luxury of passing it multiple times during the week. The picture above doesn't do it much justice, this picture is very dry but as the seasons change its gorgeous with all of them. The granite used to make it is from our very own local granite company, and the people that get to reap the benefits of this place are the people who work for the granite company that come to stay for a short period of time. Every time I pass by it I just want to take a tour of the inside, because I can't imagine that its anything less then perfect. There have been a few nights were the lights have been on and I could see inside but it was just a quick glimpse. If you get the opportunity when passing through Rockville, take the way to catch a quick look at this place!

     Image result for old houses in Cold Spring MN
This house is located in Cold Spring, and is in the middle of town. Unlike the one above I have gotten the opportunity to tour this one. As of right now it is an antique shop in the inside. I loved touring the inside of this house as I am a stickler for interior design. Furthermore, I love seeing how the architecture has changed over the years. The insides consisted of lots of wood and its smells old but in another sense I liked that feeling because it made me feel comfortable while touring it. Some parts have seen its better days because its so old but its worth a tour. The mysterious rooms and extra added spaces they needed back in the day are interesting to see.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Pick Two

Image result for joanna gaines quote Image result for joanna gaines

This is a quote from Joanna Gaines, she is famous for her show Fixer Upper. She will soon be creating her own TV show, she makes her living by remodeling houses on her show with her husband. Shes married to Chip Gaines and they live in Texas with there five children. If Joanna was to give me any advice, it would probably be how to better design my room, or critique my remodeling plans. Some of her most prominent achievements would be her TV show, and the upcoming start of her own TV channel. 

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This Christmas marks the first Christmas without my uncle Al. He passed away due too COPD, but this was a battle he was fighting due to many other things. It all started eleven years ago when he was crushed in a Fridgidaire machine while working, from that day on he never got a break. Yet, not matter how hard it was he always had a smile on his face. He was and is such an inspiration to me, no matter how hard it was he never wanted to give up. It makes me not only so thankful for everything I'm able to do, but that I don't have it bad. I picked this picture, because before Al got in his accident he lived and breathed fishing he spent every waking moment in his boat at the cabin. The time I got to spent with Al while he was alive, was spent next to him in the recliner watching Disney movies, his favorite was "Minions". That always made him laugh, and I enjoyed seeing him smile, because I knew that in that moment he wasn't in pain. Al and I had the same favorite diner meal, and whenever I came over he always seemed to ask Brenda (his wife/ my aunt) to make it for us. It was hard to pass through the holidays without him, but I knew he was watching over us the whole time.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Top 10

Top 10 Home Improvement Shows On Netflix 
Image result for selling houses with sarah beeny on netflix
10. Selling Houses with Sarah Beeny
This is another real estate show so it doesn't really catch my attention, but if that's what your looking for in a show then this is a good choice. She has three people her episode, which is more people than usual another reason I'm not to keen on it.

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9. Buy Herself
This isn't my favorite show, because its more on the real estate side of home improvements. Whereas I prefer a show that either fixes something or shows me a more extravagant house.Sandra Rinomato helps single women navigate the ins and outs of purchasing their first home. 

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8. Brojects  
This is a fun duo of two brothers who tackles creative projects. There quick 20 minutes episodes, so its fun to watch when you don have much time but your in the mood to watch some diying.

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7. The Great Interior Design Challenge 
This is a fun show to watch because the designers have a tight budget and they just a short amount of time to test there speed and style. 

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6. Reno My Reno 
Its fun watching these guys go head to head to watch them DIY there way through home improvement projects. 

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5. Grand Designs 
This one is similar to "Grand Design Australia", but its in the Unites States. I enjoy it, i just prefer the other one because it takes me to a completely different county. 

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4. Fix It & Finish It
I love this show because they renovate anything from a house to an RV in a day. It's my favorite thing to see what a professional is capable of doing, and how they can turn it up side down. 

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3. Grand Designs Australia 
I like this show because it takes you to a completely different country and shows you there houses and styles. I love to see the different architecture and what Australia considers as a "grand" design. 

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2. What's For Sale? With a View 
I love this show because it takes you around the world to new sights and locations. I'm a stickler for a good view, especially when it comes to your home, a place you should feel the most comfortable. This one intrigues me because when I was on vacation I was able to take a tour around a lake and see houses similar to this one.

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1. The Worlds Most Extraordinary Homes
This is my all times favorite show on Netflix because I love the locations it brings you to. Most episodes are shot in the United States, and I love the mystery of what comes. I never even knew these places were a thing until I started watching this show.